A new paradigm for automating technological systems is known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (I4.0). Its foundation is the combination of newly relevant information and communication technologies (big data, cloud computing, etc.) with the technologies that form the foundation of intelligent production. analytics, artificial intelligence, and the basis of distributed control. Opportunities for manufacturing systems have never been greater, especially when it comes to supply chains, resource levels, and planning and management. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is seen as an opportunity to increase manufacturing productivity and efficiency as well as the beginning of the era of automation and computer connections. To forecast, control, and reduce costs over time, networked sensors and software are connected with physical equipment and devices using real-time data and information. This study outlines the fundamental concepts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and provides an explanation of each technology based on data from the most recent research. This study also seeks to understand how the Fourth Industrial Revolution impacts the ERP approach, how each technology may be linked to an ERP system, and whether or not the current ERP systems are equipped to manage the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
KV Dinesh Kannaa, R Mahesh. A study on ERP based approach to industrial 4.0. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2024;7(2):644-647. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2024.v7.i2.431