Concept of self-reliant India with development of MSME sector
Dr. Rohit Kumar Rai
Seeking the opportunity in the disaster arising out of COVID-19, the Self-Reliant India Scheme has been started by the Government of India. Its objective is to make the Indian economy stronger, sustainable, more competitive and economically self-reliant, so that the goal of generating sufficient employment with rapid economic growth in the future can be achieved. In this scheme, a new approach has been adopted towards the MSME sector which is in line with the current requirements of globalization and market economy. In this scheme, it has been talked about empowering the MSME sector financially and technically and providing an open environment for their development. For this, many provisions have been made in this scheme such as providing collateral free loans, financial assistance for distressed units, change in the definition of MSME, exploration of new possibilities in the MSME sector, etc. There is no doubt that the challenges faced by MSMEs are more than before. To deal with these challenges, there is a need for a conscious policy so that the problems related to finance and marketing of small and cottage industries can be solved.
Aim of study: Keeping in view the development of the MSME sector in the self-reliant India scheme, the objectives of the study are as follows.
Role of MSME Sector in Self-reliant India Scheme.
Relevance of MSME sector in current economic conditions.
Provisions made for the development of the MSME sector in the Self-Reliant India Scheme.
Problems facing the MSME sector at present.
Keeping in view the importance of MSME sector in self-reliant India scheme, suggestions.
Dr. Rohit Kumar Rai. Concept of self-reliant India with development of MSME sector. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2024;7(2):38-43. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2024.v7.i2.332