A study on financial management of urban municipal corporations in India
Kanchana MN and Dr. SN Yogish
The demand for improved governance is pressing due to the increasing urbanization and expansion of cities. The supply of infrastructure and the running of public services are no longer the exclusive aspects of urban government. Traditional top-down governance techniques are viewed as insufficient, unsuitable, and constrictive. Sustainability, justice and efficiency, accountability and openness, civic participation, security, and the formation of partnerships are all characteristics of good urban governance. The additional characteristics of a modern city include liability, competitiveness, and bank ability. Prudent and effective asset and financial management is required to boost their ability to support market borrowing for investments in urban development. The present study focused on Financial Management of Urban Municipal Corporations in India in general. The study it is based on secondary sources of information. Secondary sources of information gathered by different published sources like Books, Journal articles, reports, census data, periodicals, websites, newspapers, unpublished thesis.
Kanchana MN, Dr. SN Yogish. A study on financial management of urban municipal corporations in India. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2024;7(1):251-253. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2024.v7.i1.298