Green HRM practices enhancing environmental performance through the mediating effect of commitment
Preeti Sharma
Due to more than 50 years of global industrialization, numerous firms have encountered significant environmental performance issues. This study investigates environmental performance and its effects on workers and industrial outcomes using the social learning theory and the recourse-based perspective theory as a foundation based on a cross-sectional online survey of 322 full-time workers. The findings showed that green HRM practices had a considerable positive impact on both the environmental performance and green innovation among employees. On outcomes including green recruitment and selection, green performance management and appraisal, and green remuneration and incentive, substantial influences of study factors were also noted. Theoretical and practical consequences are provided, along with a number of critical policy findings regarding consumer resistance to innovation in low income societies. Future study possibilities are also suggested.
Preeti Sharma. Green HRM practices enhancing environmental performance through the mediating effect of commitment. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2023;6(1):76-81. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2023.v6.i1.173