Impact of climate change on agriculture in Bangladesh: A study on Tangail district
Shabikunnahar Bonna and Laily Akter
Climate change and its impact on agriculture are global concern but it’s becoming a major threat for Bangladesh because where lives and livelihood depends on agriculture. In Bangladesh 164 million people depend on rice but due to climate change vulnerabilities the yield of rice has been reducing. This paper studies the impact of climate change on agriculture and adaptation of new strategies to fight against the different causes of climate changes of Tangail district. Tangail district is highly sensitive to climate events such as, flood, soil erosion, heavy rainfall, drought, storm surge etc. These natural disasters have increased due to climate change that threat on farmer’s livelihood by destructing crops, houses and infrastructure. To support the analysis a questionnaire survey was conducted to gather farmer’s perceptions of present situation and what different strategies should take to fight against climate change. The paper presented that the education level of the present generation of farmers is gradually increasing and they have perceptions that the temperature is rising, timely rainfall is not available and crop production seasons are shifting. The adaptations measures followed by the local people will increase their capacity to fight against climate change problems. A very few empirical research on the impacts of climate change in Tangail has been conducted, so researcher and policy makers get information about the concern topic by this study and implement policy for the climate change affected people of study area.
Shabikunnahar Bonna, Laily Akter. Impact of climate change on agriculture in Bangladesh: A study on Tangail district. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2023;6(1):01-10. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2023.v6.i1.160