International Journal of Financial Management and Economics
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  • Peer Reviewed Journal
E-ISSN: 2617-9229|P-ISSN: 2617-9210
International Journal of Financial Management and Economics
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal
Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2022)

Economic policymaking: Combinations and outcomes

Dr. SS Savant and Dr. UY Kulkarni
Pages : 01-05  |  1124 Views  |  538 Downloads  |  Country : India

The impact of inclusive finance on economic growth in Nigeria

Abdulgaffar Muhammad, Mohammed Bello Idris, IBITOMI Taiwo and Musa Usman
Pages : 06-16  |  1037 Views  |  496 Downloads  |  Country : Nigeria

Socio-economic empowerment of women in India

Dr. Sunil Babu
Pages : 17-21  |  1069 Views  |  537 Downloads  |  Country : India

A long short-term memory algorithm-based approach for univariate time series forecasting with application to GDP forecasting

Georgios Rigopoulos
Pages : 22-29  |  1059 Views  |  504 Downloads  |  Country : Greece

Analysis of ground water in Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh and U.P.

Dr. Ashok Babu
Pages : 30-32  |  941 Views  |  464 Downloads  |  Country : India

सकल घरेलू उत्पाद (G.D.P) का आम जनता पर प्रभाव – एक समालोचनात्मक विश्लेषण

डॉ० बबिता वैदिक
Pages : 33-34  |  846 Views  |  419 Downloads  |  Country : India

Impact of economic self-help group programs on women’s empowerment

Dr. Prabhu Nath Singh and Seema
Pages : 35-38  |  1015 Views  |  493 Downloads  |  Country : India

Capability approach to development through Jain doctrines

Shreyansh Jain and Kshitij Jain
Pages : 39-44  |  924 Views  |  429 Downloads  |  Country : India

Growth and instability analysis of area, production, productivity and export performance of almond in Afghanistan

Mohammad Akbar Nadeerpoor, BL Patil, Israrullah Yousafzai and Nasratullah Kakar
Pages : 45-48  |  1009 Views  |  477 Downloads  |  Country : India

Status of women’s participation in agriculture in Bihar an analysis

Neeraj Kumar and Dr. Ravindra Kumar Sharma
Pages : 49-52  |  1460 Views  |  912 Downloads  |  Country : India

A study of green marketing in India and its impact after globalisation

Dr. Kamna Dhawan and Sonali
Pages : 53-58  |  1051 Views  |  516 Downloads  |  Country : India

Performance of food processing industry sector in Uttar Pradesh

Dr. Bhupendra Kumar and Sohanlal
Pages : 59-64  |  910 Views  |  432 Downloads  |  Country : India

नयी आर्थिक नीति में संयुत क्षेत्रीय ग्रामीण बैंक की प्रासंगिकता

डॉ0 रईस अहमद
Pages : 65-68  |  750 Views  |  349 Downloads  |  Country : India

Capital project decisions and socio-economic development in Ekiti state, Nigeria

Augustine Sunday Oge and Joshua Adewale Adejuwon
Pages : 69-76  |  1054 Views  |  408 Downloads  |  Country : Nigeria

Impact of COVID-19 on the footwear industry of India: With special reference to Bata India Ltd

Dr. Bhuvana Venkatraman and Devesh Pal
Pages : 77-87  |  1157 Views  |  480 Downloads  |  Country : India

History of employment generation in the service sector in post-independent India

Dr. Ashok Kumar Mishra
Pages : 88-92  |  787 Views  |  347 Downloads  |  Country : India

Production and export of marine fishery in Odisha

Dr. Manoranjan Nayak
Pages : 93-99  |  1104 Views  |  695 Downloads  |  Country : India

Impact of caste on the Indian labour market: What dostate-based studies indicate

Silpa PR
Pages : 100-105  |  1188 Views  |  698 Downloads  |  Country : India

Horticulture in India: Problems and prospect

Dr. Mosarrat Malik
Pages : 106-108  |  898 Views  |  450 Downloads  |  Country : India

Growth and instability of export and import in the trade of selected agricultural commodities: India vis-à-vis Afghanistan

Mohammad Akbar Nadeer Poor and BL Patil
Pages : 109-113  |  896 Views  |  442 Downloads  |  Country : India

A study on the growth and role of SMES in Indian economy

Dr. Abhishek Kumar Singh
Pages : 114-117  |  1047 Views  |  549 Downloads  |  Country : India

The moderating effect of cost of capital on working capital management and firm's performance in Nigeria

Abdullahi Masud, Mohamad Ali Abdul-Hamid and Annuar MD Nassir
Pages : 118-125  |  915 Views  |  446 Downloads  |  Country : Nigeria

Customer awareness on UPI and mobile banking: An exploratory study

Shubham Khandal
Pages : 126-129  |  864 Views  |  418 Downloads  |  Country : India

Exposure of kharif crops production to climate change

Dr. Amita Rani
Pages : 130-136  |  919 Views  |  397 Downloads  |  Country : India

NPA status of Indian banks in pre and post liberalization era

Sakshi Mathur
Pages : 137-141  |  742 Views  |  409 Downloads  |  Country : India

A Study on mergers and acquisitions in the Indian Banking Sector

Manoj Kumar and Dr. Shilpa Bahl
Pages : 142-146  |  1301 Views  |  662 Downloads  |  Country : India

Empowering women entrepreneurs for economic development

Dr. Priyaka Khanna
Pages : 147-151  |  632 Views  |  285 Downloads  |  Country : India

Open market share repurchase and price volatility in Indian stock market

Dhananjay Sahu
Pages : 152-157  |  623 Views  |  289 Downloads  |  Country : India

Assessing the nexus of economic growth indicators and carbon-dioxide emission in West Africa: A dynamic panel data approach

Ajibode IA and Ogunnusi ON
Pages : 158-166  |  600 Views  |  268 Downloads  |  Country : Nigeria

Pillars of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhgan Yojana

Dhiraj Kumar and Dr. Mani Kant Jha
Pages : 167-169  |  468 Views  |  206 Downloads  |  Country : India

Measuring comparative advantage through RCA: An empirical application with implications for South Asian Nations

Ritesh Kumar Mishra
Pages : 170-177  |  494 Views  |  229 Downloads  |  Country : India

Impact of GST implementation on small scale industries (SSIS): An analytical study with special reference to India

Dr. Ashish Kumar Jha
Pages : 178-181  |  820 Views  |  437 Downloads  |  Country : India

Customer relationship management (CRM) in Indian banking industry

Abdul Ahad
Pages : 182-186  |  104 Views  |  42 Downloads  |  Country : India

Role of entrepreneurship in enterprises' improvement

Abdul Ahad
Pages : 187-195  |  104 Views  |  43 Downloads  |  Country : India
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