Examining age-wise perception of microfinance beneficiaries with regard to inclusive growth
Dr. Tarsem Lal and Jatinder Kour
The current study is undertaken to assess the age-wise perception of microfinance beneficiaries with regard to inclusive growth. To fulfil the objectives of the study, both primary and secondary data has been collected. The primary data has been collected from 510 microfinance beneficiaries of four microfinance institutions/ banks namely J&K Grameen Bank, Jammu Central Cooperative Banks, Citizen Cooperative Bank and Women Credit Cooperative Society functioning in Jammu region of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The technique of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and One-way ANOVA has been used for data analysis and scale purification. The results of the study indicates that there exits significant means difference between the perception of microfinance beneficiaries with regard to inclusive growth.
Dr. Tarsem Lal, Jatinder Kour. Examining age-wise perception of microfinance beneficiaries with regard to inclusive growth. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2021;4(2):59-62. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2021.v4.i2.87