International Journal of Financial Management and Economics
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E-ISSN: 2617-9229|P-ISSN: 2617-9210
International Journal of Financial Management and Economics
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal
Vol. 4, Issue 1 (2021)

Land relations in Jammu and Kashmir: An empirical study based on NSS unit level data

Dr. Archi Bhatia and Shakir Hussain Malik

Based on the NSSO unit-level data of 59th and 70th rounds (2003 and 2013), this paper tries to analyse the pattern of ownership and operational holdings, and the extent of tenancy across different size classes in Jammu & Kashmir. The paper finds a marginal increase in the percentage of landless households from 2003 to 2013, majority of the households are concentrated in sub-marginal category of ownership holdings. The proportion of households across different social categories have declined except ST households and the percentage of area owned have increased across STs and OBCs between 2003 and 2013. The households belonged to ST categories have highest inequality in ownership holdings in 2003, and SCs have highest in 2013. Majority of the lessees are landless and sub-marginal farmers, and highest proportion of lessees belongs to other caste households. Most of the lessors are marginal farmers and there are few lessors present in higher size classes. Though the percentage of operational holdings have declined in all size classes except for 0.002 to 0.500 hectares of holdings, proportion of area operated increased upto size class of one hectare while in the subsequent higher size classes, it has continuously decreased between 2003 and 2013. Fixed money remains as dominant form of tenancy contract in 2003 and relatives under no specific terms in 2013.
Pages : 92-98 | 518 Views | 253 Downloads

International Journal of Financial Management and Economics
How to cite this article:
Dr. Archi Bhatia, Shakir Hussain Malik. Land relations in Jammu and Kashmir: An empirical study based on NSS unit level data. Int J Finance Manage Econ 2021;4(1):92-98. DOI: 10.33545/26179210.2021.v4.i1.247
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